Squirk's Overseas Experience

The tales of one Kiwi returning to Mother Britain and exploring the Big Wide World... without being eaten by a shark.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

They like me! They really like me!

The HR manager is on an extended sailing trip and won't be back for a bit, but the news is in—I have a job coming!

My faithful recruiter tells me the senior management have they have decided they could make use of my unique blend of skills and don't want let me slip away. This means I will soon be earning actual pounds!

To celebrate this upcoming prosperity, I think it makes sense to round up some mates and go drinking or something. Not in the dragged-unconscious-from-the-bathroom style of something, though -- I've learnt my lesson.

(photo of Rob skulling a Dixie cup of vodka) (photo of Rob looking worse for wear)

Thanks to Payfen for the reminder.

Anyone up for an evening out somewhere in London?

Update 2 Nov 2005: Updated links to the Bedlam Image Gallery.


  • At 9:44 am AEST, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations! Must be good to get out of the job-hunting routine, the frustrations of which I know well.
    Also, glad to see someone else is still finding bedlam useful as a repository of embarassing images.

  • At 5:15 am AEST, Blogger Carly said…

    yay for you robert- thats awesome news yay for you.. my parents are here at the moment but im always keen for a catch up- just let me know!!


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